The number of high-speed internet subscribers increased to 4.57 million in April 2017 compared to 4.05 million in April 2016, an increase of 12.84%, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS).
The CAPMAS issued a press statement on Tuesday marking the Safer Internet Day (SID), which is organised in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones across the world.
More than 90 countries across the world become involved in celebrating the day since 2005, with the aim of promoting a safer use of internet and mobile phones for all users, especially children and young people.
With the slogan “Create, connect, and share respect: A better internet starts with you”, the world marked the SID to encourage respectful communication among internet users.
According to the CAPMAS, the number of mobile internet subscribers reached 33.19 million in April 2017, up from 26.08 million in April 2016, an increase of 27.26%.
The report added that the number of USB modem internet subscribers decreased to 3.29 million in April 2017, down from 3.53 million in April 2016, a decline of 6.8%, due to the flexibility of using mobile phone internet.
The report pointed out that families and education authorities all have a responsibility to spread awareness among children and young people about respecting others and expressing their feelings and ideas in a sophisticated manner. The CAPMAS noted that the educated community should contribute to spreading these principles through online social networks, to reach the largest number of internet users.
It also stressed that government agencies managing communications and internet services must issue laws that protect internet users from cybercrimes, such as hacking personal data and slander crimes that have spread widely on social networks recently.