With the fast pace of the contemporary world, handmade products are hard to appreciate and even harder to find. In today’s world, factories produce thousands of soulless replicas in a matter of hours before invading the world with uniformity. While authenticity is often praised on social media, genuine leather is currently a luxury that many have given up in favour of cheaper products.
Waad Nizamy stands on the other side of this debate. The proud designer is a strong believer in craftsmanship, cultural heritage, and preciseness of details. Despite not attending a formal fashion school, the designer’s talent is stronger than conventional methods.
The self-taught designer has been turning the colourful aspects of local heritage into carriable statements one client at a time. Nizamy’s raw talent was first discovered during her time in university, where she specialised in arts. One of the numerous courses focused on leather and the fundamental techniques to master it. When she was asked to design a bag, she stunned her professor with a contemporary approach to local heritage.
Instead of depending on new techniques solely, Nizamy chose to reinterpret old ones and mixing them with contemporary approaches. Meanwhile, she stayed away from expected pharaonic and cliché motifs. Instead she chose to shed light on the colourful joy of Nubia and Egyptian countryside patterns.
Her passion for the craft only increased after the professor’s encouraging review. Without the slightest moment of hesitation, she applied for a specialised course and more importantly started teaching herself the needed techniques without the need for mentors. According to the designer, online tutorials were her true teachers.
It was not long until she started designing and personally producing bags, wallets, and home accessories made of pure Egyptian leather. Her three-year journey is a proof of the importance of trial and error. Her aesthetic is primarily focused on the Nubian culture, while utilising genuine leather. Nonetheless, her true trademarks are elaborate embroidery and oriental motifs.
Nizamy currently works on her brand single-handedly; she designs, sources the raw materials and manufactures each and every piece, which makes her brand quite personal and unique. While her inspiration is often the local heritage, not two of her products ever look identical. The creative mind is always keen on presenting products that she would personally choose. Often finding herself immersed in out-of-the-blue projects, the designer rules with passion rather than planning.