Chemistry Administration implements comprehensive plan to develop analysis, testing system

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

The head of the Chemistry Administration, Magdy Fahmy, said that the administration has begun implementing a comprehensive plan to develop the system of analysis and testing at the administration, according to a press statement on Thursday.

Fahmy added, “The Chemistry Administration is the citadel of analysis and government tests, and the house of chemical expertise in Egypt, which was established in 1898.”

Fahmy pointed out that the plan, which is being implemented during the current fiscal year 2018/2019, includes the development of various laboratories within the headquarters of the administration and all subsidiary branches, as well as upgrading the technical capabilities of the human element and the development of the system of services provided to customers in order to provide accurate results for tests in the shortest time and the highest possible quality.

He further noted that the administration is also aimed at expanding the establishment of new branches. The expansion plan includes the establishment of 22 branches in the industrial parks that are created by the Industrial Development Authority to provide analytical, chemical, physical, and environmental testing services and provide specialised technical advice to factories.

He revealed that his administration is currently establishing a new laboratory in Robiki Leather City.

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