The following were the most important indicators: the total number of road accidents in the first half (H1) of 2018 decreased to 4,426 accidents compared to 5,836 in the same period in 2017, a 24.2% decrease. Those accidents resulted in 1,560 deaths, 5,936 injuries, and 7,037 damaged vehicles.
The number of deaths as result of accidents decreased to 1,560 deaths in the H1 of 2018 compared to 1,929 deaths in the same period in 2017, a 19.1% decrease, while the number of injuries decreased to 5,936 injuries compared to 7,217 in 2017, a 17.7% decrease.
In the H1 of 2018, accident rates decreased to 24.6 accidents per day, compared to 32.4 accidents per day, in 2017. The mortality rate decreased to 8.7 deaths per day, compared to 10.7 deaths per day in 2017. While the injury rate decreased to 33 per day, compared to 40.1 injuries per day in 2017.
Accidents’ cruelty rate at governorates and highways level was 26.3 deaths per 100 injured, while accident severity rate was 1.7 deaths or injured/accident in the H1 of 2018.
It was found that the main cause of accidents was human error by 75.7%, followed by mechanical errors, 17.1%, and finally road conditions by 2.9%, of the total causes of accidents in the H1 of 2018.
Private vehicles were found to cause the highest number of accidents, reaching 3,023 vehicles, which is 43.0% of the total number of vehicles in the H1 of 2018.
On the other hand, the total number of train accidents increased with a rate of 36.4%. The number of train accidents were 1,082 accidents in the H1 of 2018 compared to 793 accidents in the same period in 2017.
The highest number of train accidents occurred in Lower Egypt, Delta, with 735 accidents with a rate of 67.9%, followed by 244 accidents in Upper Egypt, with a rate of 22.6%, and 3,013 accidents in the Central Region with a rate of 9.5% of the total accidents at the regional level.
Collision of vehicles with ports’ gates i.e. barriers, is the most common cause of train accidents at the regional level, reaching 879 cases, with a rate of 81.2% of the total number of train accidents in the H1 of 2018.
Finally, train accidents’ cruelty rate was 66.0 deaths per100 injured, and the severity rate was 0.1deaths or injured/accident in the H1 of 2018.