Egypt shares medical equipment standard specifications on AIDMO online platform

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

Egyptian standard specifications for some medical equipment and supplies have been made available online, said Ashraf Afifi, CEO of the Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOS). The standards are available on the unified Arab interactive platform for specifications projects at the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO).

Afifi added that five Egyptian standards have been published on the Arab interactive platform, which included specifications for ethyl alcohol products, latex medical gloves, and electrical thermometers.

He said that this step comes as part of joint regional cooperation to confront the ongoing repercussions of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its implications on the region’s industrial sector.

Afifi added that the unified interactive platform allows countries in the Middle East to prepare, update, and develop their national specifications of medical equipment production. It also allows countries across the region to meet their laboratory and manufacturing needs.

He noted that the platform currently provides Egyptian and Lebanese standards for products, and that coordination is underway with STM International to make its standards specifications available on the platform.

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