Amr Abdel Wahab, Chairperson and Managing Director of the Egyptian Countryside Development Company, which is responsible for implementing and managing the national project for the reclamation and development of 1.5 million feddan, has extended payment facilitations for its clients until the end of December 2022.
He pointed out that those who wish to benefit from the facilitations must complete all necessary legal and financial procedures before the aforementioned date (31 December 2022).
Abdel Wahab indicated that these facilities come within the framework of the keenness of the Company to provide all forms of support to the serious investors, helping them to continue the cultivation and development work on the project lands.
The Egyptian Countryside Development Company had recently approved a package of facilities for the beneficiaries of the lands of the 1.5 million feddan project, which included cancelling interests on grace periods, extending grace and repayment periods, while giving additional period for the project’s beneficiaries to reconcile their status and complete the documentary and banking procedures related to their lands.