Egypt celebrates UN International Day: We will remain one of the Founding Fathers

Sami Hegazi
2 Min Read

Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, The spokesperson of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stressed on Monday that Egypt has always been one of the Founding Fathers of the United Nations and adheres to its leading role in conflict resolution and peace-building.

The speaker tweeted – that the world, celebrating the 77th anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter, needs what is today to uphold the values of this charter and respect its principles!”.

He posted a video entitled “World Day of the UN.. 77 years since the establishment of the International Organization and Egypt’s ratification of its charter as a founding member.”

The video highlights Egypt’s leading role in the UN and the speeches of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi at the meetings of the General Assembly of the organization.

It also includes the participation of Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in the meetings of the UN General Assembly, Egypt’s contributions to the UN peacekeeping forces, as well as the assumption of the late Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali as the former secretary-general of the organization.

United Nations Day is an occasion to commemorate the entry into force of the Charter of the UN in 1945. With the ratification of that founding document, the UN came into being and has been working tirelessly ever since to make the world a better place.

Egypt is a founding member of the United Nations, and since 1945, Egypt has been recognized by the UN and internationally as a strong partner in multilateral action, as it is one of the largest countries contributing troops to peacekeeping, and has also been an elected member of the Security Council five times.

Egypt has also chaired several UN committees, including the group of 77 and China at the UN in New York in 2018 and in Rome in 2019. Egypt also hosts about 38 UN offices and can be considered one of the largest regional centres of the UN organization.

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