Egyptian Health Minister announces 313 examination centres for those planning to get married

Shaimaa Raafat
2 Min Read

Egypt’s Minister of Health and Population, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar; announced an increase in the number of examination centres for those planning to get married to 313 centres in all governorates nationwide, and work to increase the number of centres successively.

This came during the official inauguration of the initiative of the President of the Republic to examine those who are about to get married, as part of public health initiatives under the slogan “100 million health”.

During the inauguration, Abdel Ghaffar revealed the results of the pilot operation of the initiative since 26 February, when medical examinations were conducted for 110,000 persons wishing to marry, and 79,000 insured medical certificates were issued for those wishing to marry, indicating that the rates of consanguineous marriage amounted to 12%.

He referred to the expected medical and social benefits from implementing the initiative in the short and long term, stressing the importance of this initiative in reaching a generation free from genetic and infectious diseases.

Mohamed Hassani, the Assistant Minister of Health for Public Health Projects and Initiatives, reviewed the examinations and services provided through the presidential initiative to examine those who are about to get married, and the work cycle from visiting examination centres to issuing the certificate.

He pointed out that the axes of work in the initiative include community awareness, premarital examination, diagnosis and treatment.

Hassani also reviewed the electronic system for following up and recording data and referral, and linking it with the data of the National Elections Authority, the General Authority for Health Insurance, the National Committee for Combating Viruses, and the National Program for Combating AIDS, as well as coordination with the Smart and Secured Documents Complex, to ensure the security of certificates issued with the results of the examination. 

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