UNHCR appreciates Egypt’s commitment to offer sanctuary for those fleeing violence

Sami Hegazi
2 Min Read

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi applauded Egypt’s long-standing commitment to provide sanctuary for those fleeing violence.

He appealed for support for Egypt, which has recently received more than 170,000 refugees (out of a total of 345,000) from Sudan, while Egypt was already hosting a high number of refugees, some 300,000 people of 55 nationalities.

The UNHCR said in a statement on Tuesday that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has completed its three-day visit to Egypt. “Grandi praised Egypt’s commitment, saying the government, the Red Crescent and the Egyptian people had been extremely generous in supporting the arrivals.

He stressed the urgent need to mobilize more resources to help them maintain that generosity as he described it. “Refugees in Egypt have access to a wide range of services including health, education and more, while the international organization launched its emergency cash assistance programme last week.

“Sudan’s recently launched Regional Plan for Refugees, Returnees and Host Communities in Egypt, the Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia and South Sudan, which seeks to mobilize $470.4 million to support refugees, returnees and host communities, will allocate approximately 25 per cent to Egypt to support the work of 25 partners over a six-month period, IOM said, noting that the response to this appeal has so far been weak.

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