Egypt, Serbia hold round of consultations to discuss strengthening bilateral relations

Sami Hegazi
3 Min Read

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a new round of political consultations between Egypt and Serbia, chaired by Ambassador Ihab Nasr, Assistant Foreign Minister for European Affairs, for the Egyptian side, and Ambassador Vladimir Maric, Assistant Foreign Minister for Bilateral Cooperation, for the Serbian side, on Tuesday.

The two sides discussed ways to strengthen existing cooperation in all political, economic and cultural fields, both at the bilateral level and at the level of coordination between the two countries with international organizations and forums.

The two sides underlined the importance of holding this round of political consultations, in light of their keenness to follow up on the outcome of President Abdel Fattah Al- Sisi’s visit to Belgrade in July 2022, which represents a focal point in the political relations between the two countries.

In this context, Ambassador Nasr stressed the importance of working to strengthen economic and trade cooperation between the two countries in a way that is in line with the distinguished political relations.

 Nasr praised the recent decision to resume direct flights between Cairo and Belgrade to be added to the direct lines connecting Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh with Serbia, in a step that contributes to activating intra-tourism and increasing investment and trade opportunities.

“The two sides also agreed to take advantage of increased Egyptian exports of fertilizers and ammonia to Serbia, as well as Serbian imports of wheat, maize, and cooking oil to Egypt, by intensifying communication between the business communities of the two countries with the support of their respective governments.

For his part, the Serbian Assistant Foreign Minister expressed his country’s interest in strengthening historical relations with Egypt; especially since Cairo and Belgrade are scheduled to celebrate the 115th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.

He expressed his country’s readiness to take the necessary steps to improve relations and to take advantage of the opportunities to enhance trade, investment and tourism cooperation between the two countries.

The two sides reviewed their respective visions of developments in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

 The Serbian official stressed his country’s keenness to listen to Egypt’s position on various regional issues, expressing Serbia’s appreciation for the role played by Cairo in maintaining security and stability in the region.

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