Egypt has one of the most dynamic growth rates in Africa: Ericsson’s Håkan Cervell 

Mohamed Alaa El-Din
9 Min Read

Håkan Cervell, Vice President and Head of Customer Unit stc, Saudi Arabia and Egypt at Ericsson Middle East & Africa, said that Egypt has one of the most dynamic growth rates in Africa.

He told Daily News Egypt that the country’s Vision 2030, coupled with the government’s undying commitment, and collaboration among the players within the ecosystem, puts Egypt on the right path to becoming a major player in the global telecommunications market.

How do you see the investment environment and opportunities in Egypt?

Egypt has one of the most dynamic growth rates in Africa. In embarking on its Vision 2030, aimed at inclusive sustainable development, Egypt prioritized digital transformation. The country created the ICT 2030 strategy and the Digital Egypt initiative with the objectives of developing ICT infrastructure, fostering digital inclusion, and encouraging innovation to aid the nation’s transformation into a knowledge-based economy. We continue to support this vision by providing the right infrastructure, technological innovations, and initiatives that digitally empower youth as the country prepares to welcome 5G.

Egypt is important to us in achieving a sustainable and connected continent in line with our #AfricaInMotion campaign. Ericsson has continually supported the country’s telecom operators by providing innovative commercial hardware and solutions to expand current coverage and meet the network needs of their customer database. The launch of 4G services in the country in 2017 resulted in a surge of investments by local and international players and has paved the way for Egypt’s telecom sector to significantly enhance its services.

It is my belief that the country’s vision, coupled with the government’s undying commitment, and collaboration among the players within the ecosystem, puts Egypt on the right path to becoming a major player in the global telecommunications market, and the launch of 5G technology will accelerate this ambition.

What are the investment opportunities in the telecom sector?

The increasing demand for faster and better communication systems and the rise of mobile technology present a whole new set of opportunities for the sector, which continues to advance Egypt’s transition into the digital era. The government’s digitalization ambitions and developed telecom infrastructure make Egypt one of Africa’s major telecom markets. According to reports, the Egyptian Ministry is constructing six technology parks in the cities of Minya, Menoufeya, Mansoura, Sohag, Qena, and Aswan. Hardware design laboratories, start-up incubators, training facilities, and integrated systems for cybersecurity, data science, and AI training will be available in these parks, which are intended to foster entrepreneurship, innovation, and the fastest-scaling mobile connectivity generation.

Industry players are constantly looking for new ways to improve their products and services in order to stay competitive. For example, Ericsson is committed to supporting local talent in the sectors of AI and software. The Ericsson Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics Center in Egypt has reached a significant milestone by releasing its first Cognitive Software, which will be used by Ericsson clients globally to design and improve networks. The hub’s research and development (R&D) efforts are concentrated on artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, utilizing cutting-edge technology to build data-driven, intelligent, and reliable systems for automation, evolution, and growth. The establishment of such a center in the country confirms Egypt’s pioneering role and commitment to becoming a regional leader in advanced ICT.

Has Egypt fully benefited from 4G technologies, or is there still a room for growth?

Even though Egypt has made great strides in investing in 4G technologies, there is still potential for further growth and development in order to maximize the benefits they provide. With continued investment and research, the country can continue to leverage 4G technologies to drive economic growth and social development while improving the quality of life for its citizens. That said, Egypt needs to continue investing in and conducting research on mobile technologies in order to fully realize their potential.

Is the market ready for 5G technologies?

The question of whether the market is ready for the fifth generation of products has been a popular topic of discussion among industry professionals. With technology advancing at an unprecedented rate, companies must be prepared to adapt their products and services to meet the ever-changing and paradoxical needs of consumers.

With the introduction of 5G networks, there is potential for increased speeds and capabilities that will revolutionize the way we use devices and access information. However, it remains to be seen if the market is ready for these advancements and if consumers are willing to pay for them. In order to determine whether or not the market is ready for fifth-generation technology, companies must consider various factors such as consumer preferences, market size, and competition in the industry. Additionally, companies should evaluate whether their current infrastructure is capable of supporting 5G networks and if they have the resources available to make the necessary investment in new technologies. Ultimately, only time will tell if the market is ready for fifth-generation products.

Mobile companies made huge investments in improving the quality of services last year. How did this affect the growth of your business?

Ericsson is focused on assisting MEA nations in deploying 5G technology and accelerating its adoption in the region because we recognize the importance 5G will play in the development and smooth operation of these technologies. 

How much is the cost of maintaining and building telecom networks?

The cost of maintaining and building networks is highly dependent on a variety of factors. These factors include the size of the network, its complexity, the type of equipment used, and the labor costs associated with maintaining and building the network. The larger and more complex a network is, the higher its cost will be.

If more sophisticated equipment is used or if labor costs are higher, then this will also contribute to an increased cost. As such, it is important to consider all these various factors when determining the rate of increase in costs for a given network.

How does Ericsson help its partner CSPs deal with the increasing costs?

Ericsson is a strong advocate of optimizing energy-efficient networks through sustainable practices and ensuring components perform at optimum levels.

We are helping our customers on this journey by developing and continuously enhancing automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models in our hardware and software supplies. Our research and development team is continuously identifying and developing new models and creating a repository of these use cases. Through these efforts, we continue to help our partners potentially reduce their OPEX by up to 40%.

What are your thoughts on the future of telecoms, and how can Egypt play an important role in the digital economy?

I can imagine a future of limitless possibilities as a result of the fast-paced innovation and abundance of data as technology continues to move at a record speed. I believe the country is on a steady path to achieving its digitalization ambitions in line with its National Vision 2030. However, comparing the country to others in the Middle East and Africa region where 5G is already operational, I believe it could do better. To do this, the government must increase its investments and have in place friendly regulations that would encourage operators to increase their investments in the telecoms industry. This is how we can build a forward-thinking and sustainable sector that will churn out innovative technologies that will improve lives and boost economic growth.

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