Sudan’s Neighbouring States Summit calls for ceasefire, humanitarian aid

Daily News Egypt
5 Min Read

Leaders from Sudan’s neighbouring countries met in Cairo on Thursday to discuss the ongoing conflict in Sudan. The summit, which was hosted by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, was attended by the heads of state and governments of the Central African Republic, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, and South Sudan.

The leaders expressed their deep concern about the ongoing military confrontations and the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Sudan. They called on the parties to the conflict to de-escalate the situation and commit to an immediate and sustainable ceasefire.

The leaders also affirmed their full respect for the sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of Sudan. They agreed that the current conflict is an internal Sudanese affair, and stressed the need for ending any external interferences in the crisis.

The leaders reiterated the importance of preserving the Sudanese State and its institutions, and preventing the fragmentation of the country, or descent into chaos that could lead to the spread of terrorism and organized crime.

The leaders stressed the utmost priority of formulating a comprehensive approach to addressing the current crisis and its humanitarian ramifications. They called on the international community and donor countries to shoulder their responsibility through upholding pledges made at the “Ministerial-level Pledging Event to Support the Humanitarian Response in Sudan and the Region”.

The leaders expressed grave concern regarding the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Sudan, and condemned the repeated attacks on civilians, healthcare facilities, and public services outlets. They also called on the international community to step up efforts to provide crucial humanitarian aid, and to address urgent shortages in food and medical supplies in Sudan.

The leaders agreed to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid provided to Sudan through the territories of neighboring states, in coordination with relevant international agencies and organizations. They also strongly promoted the establishment of safe passage for aid deliveries to the most affected and vulnerable areas.

The leaders urged various Sudanese parties to provide the necessary protection for humanitarian assistance and personnel and to facilitate their mission in delivering assistance to those in need.

The leaders emphasized the pressing need for a political solution to stop the ongoing conflict. To this end, they called for an inclusive and comprehensive national dialogue between Sudanese parties, prioritizing the aspirations and prosperity of the Sudanese people through the restoration of stability and security to the country.

The leaders agreed to form a Ministerial Mechanism comprised of foreign ministers of Sudan’s neighboring states to coordinate common efforts to resolve the current conflict. The Ministerial Mechanism shall hold its first meeting in N’Djamena and will be mandated to take the following measures:

  • Develop an action-plan that includes practical steps towards stopping the fighting and reaching a comprehensive solution to the crisis through direct communication with various Sudanese parties, in complementarity with the existing mechanisms, including the IGAD and AU.
  • Discuss measures required to address the impact of the crisis on the future of Sudan’s stability, unity, and territorial integrity, as well as to protect and preserve Sudan’s national institutions. The Ministerial Mechanism shall also discuss steps to contain the negative effects of the crisis on neighboring states, and agree on a delivery mechanism to provide humanitarian aid and relief to the Sudanese people.
  • The Ministerial Mechanism shall present its recommendations to the next Sudan’s Neighboring States Summit.

The leaders concluded the summit by calling on all parties to the conflict to seize this opportunity to resolve the crisis through dialogue and compromise. They expressed their hope that the Ministerial Mechanism will be able to make significant progress in facilitating a political solution to the crisis.

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