Egypt’s fish production hits 2 million tons, self-sufficiency at 85%

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

Egypt’s fish production reached about 2 million tons in 2023, with a self-sufficiency rate of about 85%, the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation said in a report.

The report said Egypt ranks first in Africa and sixth globally in fish farming, and also ranks third in tilapia production. The self-sufficiency rate and surplus for export are expected to increase with the entry of all national projects into full production capacity.

The report said the government has established the Lakes Protection and Fish Wealth Development Authority, which includes a number of regulations and facilitations to support the fish farming industry. 

The government has also agreed to bear the cost of tracking devices for fishing boats, which may reach up to EGP 30,000 per boat.

The report said the government has also launched the “Bar Aman” (Shore of Saferty) initiative to support fishermen, which has benefited around 42,000 fishermen by providing fishing supplies and assisting them in carrying out their work and facing the risks of the profession.

The report said many marine fish and shrimp hatcheries have been established, and measures have been taken to prevent the fishing of hatchlings from the lakes to increase fish wealth in the lakes. The report also said that hatcheries in Gerf Hussein, Toshka, Sahari, and Abu Simbel are being reinforced and developed to produce from 80 to 100 million freshwater fish hatchlings to feed Lake Nasser and increase its productivity.

The report said the government has also approved the launch of 21 marine areas, 9 in the Red Sea and 12 in the Mediterranean Sea. Logistical areas with an area of at least 1 km will be established on the coast to build marine cages. These locations have been placed on the investment map of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones for presentation to investors.

The report said giant projects have also been implemented in fish resources, including Ghalioun Lake, El-Fayrouz, and the Suez Canal. The national project for the development of lakes, including Manzala, Burullus, Idku, and Bardawil, has been launched, and encroachments on them have been removed. The report said there has also been an expansion in fish wealth-related projects and hatcheries.

The report said the government is committed to supporting the fish farming industry and increasing fish production to meet the needs of the Egyptian people.

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