SUT Polytechnic of Egypt hosts workshop unveiling ‘polytechnic’ model, its influence on Egyptian industry

Daily News Egypt
6 Min Read

Elsewedy University of Technology- Polytechnic of Egypt (SUT Polytechnic of Egypt), the first “Polytechnic” University in Egypt, paves the way to local and global employment opportunities after obtaining presidential approval on establishing the university in accordance with Republican decree no. 309 of the year 2023, published in the Official Gazette on August 2nd 2023, proudly conducted a workshop under the subject “Seeking Tomorrow.” Attended by a diverse assembly of journalists and media professionals, the workshop provided a platform to engage with Hanan Elrihany CEO of Elsewedy ED Tech, and Ayman Bahaa, esteemed President of the SUT Polytechnic of Egypt.

This workshop marked the initiation of admissions for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024. Amidst this milestone, the workshop aimed to not only address inquiries about the university but also to unveil the distinctive “Polytechnic” model. By exploring further its significance and profound impact on the realms of education and industry, the event underscored the university’s pivotal role in shaping a progressive future.

The workshop highlighted that the university offers its students the innovative “Polytechnic” model in cooperation with Amity University Dubai. This system is considered a pivotal educational approach intricately linked with the labour market and its evolving requirements. Notably, this system places substantial emphasis on practical training, constituting a substantial 60% of the academic curriculum.

Polytechnic education at SUT Polytechnic of Egypt aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge highly sought after by major companies. This mission is realized through comprehensive training opportunities, initially at Elsewedy Electric in Egypt and abroad, and subsequently extending to a diverse array of enterprises within industrial partners and the industrial network of Amity University. This approach holds the potential to yield profound benefits for the Egyptian industrial landscape, infusing it with innovative expertise and fresh specializations. This is especially relevant considering the system’s established success in several leading nations, attracting numerous experts within the industrial sectors on a global scale.

“We stand fully prepared to welcome students in the annexe building connected to the campus in the industrial zone, supported by meticulous preparations,” said Hanan Elrihany, CEO of Elsewedy ED Tech. “Our vision entails seamlessly bridging the journey from academia to the professional sphere. To deliver on this, we furnish practical educational tools that substantially contribute to honing essential skills. Our campus, strategically located on Cairo-Ismailia Road with a capacity of up to 15K students, boasts an advanced infrastructure comparable to renowned specialized universities overseas.”

“Maintaining an unwavering commitment to enhancing educational accessibility, SUT expresses this dedication through a comprehensive range of scholarships. These scholarships encompass Excellence Scholarships (Academic & Sports), Early-bird Scholarships, as well as Martyrs’ Scholarships and Corporate Discount through our affiliated partners,” Elrihany stated.

“Through the ‘Polytechnic’ model, which we have embraced as our educational framework in cooperation with Amity University Dubai, SUT is steadfast in its pursuit of contributing to achieving the state’s sustainable goals as well as fulfilling Egypt’s objectives to effectively address current and future labour market demands at both local and international levels. It is our constant aim to equip the Egyptian market with a skilled workforce capable of propelling the nation’s industry forward. Egypt, among the largest industrialized countries, stands to benefit significantly from this endeavour,” Elrihany elaborated.

For his part, Ayman Bahaa, SUT Polytechnic of Egypt President stated: “The application of the Polytechnic model in Egypt holds a promising outlook. Its significance lies in its pivotal role in realizing Egypt’s strategic objectives and achieving its ambitious strategy ‘Egypt Vision 2030’. Notably, its positive implications extend to our student’s future prospects.”

“Studies at SUT Polytechnic of Egypt will greatly contribute to cultivating the role of ‘Engineering Technologist,’ a distinct profession divergent from traditional engineering and technology roles. This distinction is underpinned by several factors, the foremost being that ‘Engineering Technologists’ actively apply knowledge and devise solutions to technical challenges. This is achieved through the study of ‘Engineering Technology’ courses that blend engineering and technology principles to yield innovative solutions. This educational approach relies on an extensive array of specialized training programs spanning diverse fields. Upon completion of the four-year program, students will be granted an accredited Bachelor of Engineering Technology (B.Tech),” Bahaa added.

“SUT Polytechnic of Egypt will commence by delivering instruction in 4 diverse programs: Network and Cybersecurity Technology, Computer Science Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, and Data Science Technology. As we move forward, we are committed to broadening our academic spectrum to encompass a notable 19 specialized programs. Our future roadmap also encompasses the incorporation of supplementary training initiatives, precisely tailored to transportation technology and energy efficiency technology as well as design technology and other technologies in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and the knowledge economy,” Bahaa emphasized.

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