Egypt offers training programme for 18 African countries on investment promotion mechanisms

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

The General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), in collaboration with the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, represented Egypt in offering a training program for administrative personnel from investment agencies and authorities in 18 African countries.

The training programme, titled “Promotion of Investment Projects,” lasted for 5 days and aimed to teach African personnel how to promote and attract foreign direct investment. It covered the creation and operation of investment opportunity maps, automation of investment procedures, and improvement of the efficiency of investor service centers.

The Central Training Academy of the Authority hosted several training programmes for African and Arab personnel working in the field of investment. The goal is to show them the Egyptian experience in attracting investment, considering it a key factor for foreign direct investment flows in the African continent.

This initiative is in line with the investment agreements and memoranda of understanding that the Authority signed with African countries, aiming to develop African capabilities that can create an investment-friendly environment and increase investment partnerships between Egypt and the rest of the continent.

The training programme had representatives from the Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Guinea-Conakry, Comoros, Somalia, Mauritania, Liberia, Kenya, Ghana, Gabon, Namibia, Senegal, Mozambique, and Chad.

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