264 days of targeting civilians in Gaza by Israeli aircraft

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

The Israeli occupying aircraft continue to bomb civilians in the Gaza Strip for the 264th consecutive day. The ongoing war has resulted in massive casualties, with residential building complexes in both the northern and southern regions being systematically targeted.


In the meantime, the government media office in Gaza warned of “suspicious” communications in which the Israeli occupation called on families to return to their homes in the northern Gaza Strip.


In conjunction with the bombing, destruction, and targeting of civilians, the severity of the famine in the northern Gaza Strip increases as a result of the occupation preventing the entry of aid into the area, which has been subjected to a stifling siege since the outbreak of the war.


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health in Gaza also announced that, during the past 24 hours, the Israeli occupation forces committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 60 deaths and 140 injuries to hospitals, raising the toll of the Israeli aggression since the start of the war on October 7 to 37,718 deaths and 86,377 injuries.


Also, on Wednesday, the Palestinian Red Crescent in the Gaza Strip said that it received a shipment of medical aid, medicines and health supplies, provided by Morocco, through the Kerem Shalom crossing in the south of the Gaza Strip. This comes while the UNRWA warned that the risk of famine in Gaza persists, noting that the humanitarian situation in the south has deteriorated significantly as a result of the expansion of the military operation in Rafah.


On the other hand, Haaretz newspaper quoted Israeli security sources as saying that the Israeli prison administration has significantly reduced the amount of food for Palestinian prisoners since October 7. Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir said that reducing the amount of food for Palestinian detainees falls within deterrence measures.


On the ground, 14 Israeli soldiers were injured, including 13 in the Gaza Strip, during the past 24 hours, according to an official Israeli statement. According to data published by the Israeli occupation army on its website on Wednesday, the announced number of wounded soldiers since the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip on October 7 reached 3,922, up from 3,908 on Tuesday.


Thus, the number of soldiers wounded during the past 24 hours reached 14. According to the same data, the number of Israeli soldiers who were injured in the ground battles in Gaza that began last October 27 rose to 1,997, compared to 1,984 on Tuesday.

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