SAIB Bank supports fintech startups, entrepreneurship

Hossam Mounir
1 Min Read
SAIB Bank extends financial support to several companies operating in Egyptian market

SAIB Bank has been actively supporting companies in the Egyptian market, including One Order, Aalnota, and Waseela. Aligned with the Central Bank of Egypt’s focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially fintech startups, SAIB Bank has enhanced financing opportunities for these companies by facilitating access to banking finance.

The bank provides financial backing to companies like “One Order,” which offers advanced logistics services, “Aalnota,” an app for managing company accounts, and “Waseela,” a subsidiary of “Or” that finances medium, small, and micro-enterprises. This support extends to other emerging startups as well.

The initiative aims to boost production and achieve sustainable development, recognizing the pivotal role these companies play in creating new job opportunities and reducing unemployment rates.

Part of a series of efforts launched by SAIB Bank under the umbrella of the Central Bank of Egypt, this strategy strengthens the connection between the banking sector and fintech startups. Startups that have passed a “Series A” funding round are eligible to apply for necessary financing, ensuring financial services reach all demographics across various regions and promoting higher financial inclusion rates.

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