‘100 Days of Health’ campaign provides over 58 million free services in 37 days

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read
Hossam Abdel Ghaffar

Egypt’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, announced that 58 million, 628,024 medical services were provided to citizens through the “100 Days of Health” campaign from July to 6 September.


Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of Health and Population, explained that the campaign provided 498,326 services on Friday, adding that according to the division of services of the various sectors, bodies and initiatives, the “100 Days of Health” campaign provided 102,299 services, through the primary care and family planning sector.


He added that the campaign provided 149,599 services through the therapeutic care sector, in addition to providing 48,954 services affiliated with the presidential initiatives for public health, while the preventive medicine sector provided 6,271 services, in addition to providing 43,192 services, through the hospitals of the Secretariat of Specialized Medical Centers.


Abdel Ghaffar pointed out that the campaign provided 18,355 services through the units affiliated with the General Authority for Hospitals and Educational Institutes, while the Mental Health Support Initiative provided 52,593 services, while the hospitals and clinics of the General Authority for Health Insurance provided 9,914 services.


The Ambulance Authority also provided 3,780 ambulance services, while the specialized medical councils issued 2,181 treatment decisions at the state’s expense, while the hospitals of the Therapeutic Institution provided 11,454 services.


Abdel Ghaffar added that the campaign provided health awareness and education services to 49,734 citizens through community outreach teams deployed in public areas, clubs and malls in the governorates, to raise awareness and direct citizens to receive the services provided by the campaign, in addition to holding educational seminars and awareness activities.

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