Iran successfully launches research satellite, “Chamran 1”

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Iran has successfully launched its “Chamran 1” research satellite into orbit, marking a significant development in the country’s space programme.

The 60kg satellite was launched by a Qaem-100 satellite carrier and reached an altitude of 550 kilometres. It sent its first signals back to Earth a few hours after launch.

Experts highlight that Chamran 1 is the first Iranian-developed spacecraft capable of altering its orbit after launch. The satellite’s primary mission is to test software and hardware to validate orbital manoeuvring technology.

“Chamran 1” will also analyse the effectiveness of cold gas propulsion subsystems and examine navigation and attitude control systems in a space environment, Mehr News Agency, a partner of TV BRICS reported.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani, commenting on the successful launch, emphasised Iran’s role as “a rational, strong, and constructive player on the global stage.”  

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