Egypt and the UN: foundations deeply rooted in the past and visionary insight for the future  

Elena Panova, UN Resident Coordinator in Egypt
6 Min Read
Joint Op-ed by Ambassador Amr Aljowaily, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral Affairs and International Security (R) Elena Panova, UN Egypt Resident Coordinator (L)

Almost a month ago, with Egypt’s participation, the Summit of the Future took place in New York, unanimously regarded as an opportunity to rebuild trust in the international multilateral system, with the UN at its heart. For us, the Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations – the three landmark agreements adopted by the Summit – are certainly key pillars to achieving this goal.

Egypt’s active participation in the Summit reflected the country’s leadership and vision on key global issues and its dedication to creating a more equitable and inclusive international system. As a strong advocate for sustainable development and financing for development, international peace and security, science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and transforming global governance, Egypt’s voice has been crucial in shaping the outcomes of the Summit, which aimed to laying the foundation for a new global compact.

Egypt seized the Summit, a once-in-a-generation opportunity, to announce its Integrated National Financing Strategy – the first in the Arab States region – as an extra mile towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fostering economic resilience. Egypt’s efforts to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) across various key sectors in alignment with the SDGs were also under the spotlight during the Summit. These national development efforts were accompanied with calls for creating proper international conditions through the reform of the multilateral economic structure. As the global economy is facing multiple shocks that are reversing progress on the SDGs, with developing countries losing many of their hard-won development gains, we recognize the UN Secretary-General’s SDG Stimulus plan. Launched in 2023, this initiative requires mobilizing broad support from both developed and developing countries through scaling up financing, addressing sovereign debt burdens and lowering the cost of borrowing for developing countries.  

This year, Egypt held its annual flagship initiative, the Aswan Forum, which provided a vibrant and unique platform for a wide range of African stakeholders, including policy makers, private sector and civil society as well as youth representatives. The aim was to re-envision global governance and amplify Africa’s priorities on peace, security, and development towards reforming the multilateral system and strengthening the international agenda for conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

The partnership between the United Nations and Egypt offers a living testament to what can be achieved when global goals meet local commitment. The UN Egypt Country Team’s Annual Results Report 2023 highlights the joint achievements, which span across sectors aligned with Egypt’s development priorities. It’s a longstanding partnership that plays a vital role in implementing the SDGs. Together, we are advancing national priorities that align with these goals, such as our collective efforts to ensure strengthened human capital with a focus on children and youth as well as inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic development across all areas of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2027.

Also, in a few weeks, in November, we will see Egypt host the 12th edition of the World Urban Forum (WUF12), a chance to collectively develop solutions for making cities more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable. All these initiatives give more space for us to work jointly towards achieving more equitable and sustainable future. It is through such collective spirit and action that we can address complex global issues and ensure that no one is left behind. This is exactly the goal of our collaboration on local development projects and initiatives. We have been joining forces over the years to achieve tangible benefits for millions of people, ranging from addressing poverty and climate resilience to advancing women’s empowerment and youth employment.

Thus, we can’t but emphasize the necessity of upholding the principles and purposes of the United Nations, especially regarding the right of all peoples to self-determination, and through the peaceful resolution of international conflicts. In the Arab world, the Middle East, and the African continent, we are in a dire need of implementing all United Nations resolutions, which are the resolutions of international legitimacy. We rely on the rules of international law and international humanitarian law, which must be respected, everywhere, by all parties.

On this United Nations Day, let’s all come together in the spirit of multilateralism. Our shared future depends on our ability to cooperate, innovate, and act with urgency. The challenges we face are significant, but we also have both promising potential and rock-solid resolve. By working together, we can achieve the peace, prosperity, and dignity that we all seek. Across the world, the United Nations will continue to serve as a beacon of hope and solidarity, a voice for the voiceless, and a catalyst for progress. Together, we can build a better, more equitable world for all. Our common Future depends on all of us, women and men.


Joint Op-ed by

Ambassador Amr Aljowaily, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral Affairs and International Security

Elena Panova, UN Egypt Resident Coordinator


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