Warship passage indicates Egypt-Israel front against Iran, says Hezbollah leader

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The passage of two Israeli warships through the Suez Canal Tuesday are indicative of Egyptian/Israeli security cooperation against Iran’s nuclear program, said prominent Hezbollah leader Mohamed Yazbek.

Yazbek told the Iranian news agency IRNA that there was a clear desire on the part of the Egyptians to cooperate with Israel in opposing what he deemed was a “peaceful nuclear program.

“Why does the peaceful Iranian nuclear program constitute such a threat to Egypt while Egyptian ships protect Zionist nuclear warheads in the Suez Canal? Yazbek was quoted as saying.

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Tuesday’s passage of the Hanit and Eilat warships was the second time in two weeks that Israeli naval ships pass through the Suez Canal.

In late June an Israeli submarine passed through the canal, reportedly escorted by two Egyptian gunships. The Hanit had also crossed the canal both ways in June.

Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahoronot said about the submarine passage that “Egypt and Israel wanted to show their coordination in the face of Iran pursuing its nuclear program. Israeli submarines usually rounded Africa instead of going through the Suez Canal.

Both Egypt and Israel harbor reservations about Iran’s proposed nuclear program, which the Persian country insists is geared for peaceful purposes only. Currently, Israel is the only known nuclear state in the region despite never officially admitting to it.

However, head of Israeli studies at Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies Abdel-Aleem Mohamed believes that the passage of the ships had more to do with the relationship between Egypt and Israel regarding current negotiations to achieve a settlement with Palestinian factions and released captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, than anything to do with Iran.

“Egypt is clear about not using any military methods in handling the Iran situation, he told Daily News Egypt.

Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said Tuesday that Israeli warships are permitted passage through the Suez Canal under the treaties signed between the two countries. He declined to comment on whether it was a warning message to Iran.

The Israeli embassy in Cairo refused to comment on the entire issue when contacted by Daily News Egypt.

Addressing Arab leaders Yazbek said, “If you are worried about nuclear warheads then these Israeli nuclear warheads have crossed the Suez, so why don’t you prevent this instead of protecting it?

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