MP proposes three new ministries

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Member of Parliament Gamal Al-Zeiny filed a proposal to the People’s Assembly (PA) suggesting that the government create three new ministries: one for shantytowns, another to preserve Egypt’s marine wealth and a third to coordinate between all ministries.

Al-Zeiny told Daily News Egypt that the first proposed ministry will be in charge of monitoring Egypt’s shantytowns and setting deadlines for each shantytown to be evacuated and its residents moved into alternative housing.

According to Al-Zeiny the ministry of shantytowns will also play an important role in modernizing Egyptian society and raising the economic and social standing of those less privileged, as well as averting the threat posed by the existence of these towns.

Meanwhie, the marine ministry will be tasked with preserving Egypt’s rich underwater resources, especially after the failure of similar institutions – which currently work under the authority of the Ministry of Agricultural – to make any progress, he added.

“The third ministry will be in charge of coordinating between different ministries who are working together on specific projects, Al-Zeiny said.

One of the ministry’s priorities will be to make sure that government projects proceed without delay due to conflicts over decisions taken by the different ministries involved.

According to Al-Zeiny, “the proposed ministry of coordination will make sure that public money and time are not wasted.

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