France wants Egypt to represent Arab world in G14

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
3 Min Read

CAIRO: France wants Egypt to be the representative of the Arab world in the proposed expansion of the G8 nations which is to become the G14 with the inclusion of six other countries.

“The Arab world has to be represented in the G14 and Egypt is the most suitable according to France because of its history, culture and democracy, said press attaché at the French embassy Jean-Marie Safa.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner alluded to France’s wish while on a one day visit to Cairo Saturday. Turning to Egyptian counterpart Ahmed Aboul Gheit at a press conference after meeting President Hosni Mubarak he said, “It is our wish and hope that the G8 will expand as fast as possible, with you in particular.

France along with Germany have been pushing for an expansion of the group of eight leading industrial countries, which also includes the US, Britain, Russia, Canada and Japan.

The two European countries want to also include China, India, South Africa, Brazil and Mexico in the new group.

“The reason for broadening the G8 is that it has to represent all the paths of the world as it is today and to have a more representative structure, Safa said, “and [if you look at the countries France wants to include] it shows that the new group would be more representative of the world.

The reason France is advocating the inclusion of Egypt as opposed to other Middle Eastern countries might be related to the two nations’ current co-presidency of the union of the Mediterranean.

“Egypt was one of the first to respond to [French President Nicolas] Sarkozy’s call for a union of European and Mediterranean countries even while other Arab countries were skeptical, said Emad Gad from the International Relations unit of Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. “If Egypt does enter the G14, it will be an ally for France within the group and Egypt will not forget it was admitted at the behest of France and not the United States, he added, “and Egypt is still a leading country in the region even if its role is receding.

Safa said, “It’s true we share the co-presidency of the union for the Mediterranean so Egypt is a major partner for France. I think it is clear that Egypt is a very important country for the region.

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