Police cracks down on bloggers and political activists on April 6

Safaa Abdoun
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The April 6 strike around Egypt saw the arrest of 32 political activists, bloggers, university students and a photojournalist.

The most notable arrest was that of political activist and student at Zagazig University, Ahmed Alaa, whose house was broken into by police late Monday night. Three computers, his mobile phone and several documents were confiscated from his Sharqeya home, according to blogger Mohamed Adel, of “El Mayet (The Dead One) blog.

“We have received information that Ahmed is wanted by state security in Cairo for his recent participation in campaigns calling for the release of political activists and bloggers, said Adel.

At time of press, interrogations had not begun with Alaa and no charges were brought against him.

“He has been taken to Minya El-Qamh police station where he is speaking with officers from state security, he will then be taken to the prosecution office where he will be officially interrogated and then we will know the charges he is facing exactly, Essam El Sissy, Alaa’s lawyer, told Daily News Egypt.

Human rights activists and organizations are following Adel’s case closely.

“Ahmed Alaa’s case is much more violent than the other cases as they broke into his home and took many personal belongings, so it requires more interference, said Gamal Eid, human rights lawyer and director of the Arab Network for Human Rights Information.

“Most of the other activists and bloggers arrested are already released. The objective was to prevent them from participating in the general strike, he said, adding that “it also made other activists busy trying to support them than participating in the strike and therefore there was a low turnout.

The day of anger announced by the April 6 Youth Movement drew very few protestors in Downtown Cairo as protests were fizzled by heavy security presence.

“The state has been much smarter this year than in 2008; it used alternative methods to prevent people from participating in the strike, such as holding a concert for a famous singer in Ain Shams University, having festivities in governorates, such as Assiut and marring the image of the April 6 Youth and the strike in several newspapers and organizations who claim to be part of the civil society, explained Eid.

“However, in spite of all this, the April 6 strike’s goal has been achieved and the message was delivered . the people are angry . Facebook activists have succeeded in making the government aware of this, said Eid.

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