Pro-Gaza march to go on as planned despite Egypt ban

Daily News Egypt
4 Min Read

CAIRO: The Gaza Freedom March will move forward with plans to march into Gaza on Dec. 31 despite having its request rejected by Egypt’s foreign ministry Monday.

“Our efforts and plans will not be altered at this point, Ann Wright of the Gaza Freedom March Steering Committee said in a statement.

“We have set out to break the siege of Gaza and to march in Gaza on Dec. 31 against the international blockade. We are continuing the journey, she added.

Cairo on Monday rejected a request by international activists to organize a march to the Gaza Strip via Egypt to mark one year since an Israeli attack on the enclave.

“Some international organizations have requested permission for a solidarity march – the Gaza Freedom March – into the Gaza Strip, the Egyptian foreign ministry said in a statement.

“Egypt finds it difficult to cooperate with this march considering the sensitive situation in the Gaza Strip, which faces a stringent Israeli blockade, the statement said.

It warned that “any attempts to violate the law or public order by any group whether local or foreign on Egyptian soil will be dealt with in conformity with the law.

According to Wright, Egypt’s foreign ministry said that the Rafah border will be closed well into January, citing escalating tensions.

“We responded that there is always tension at the border because of the siege and that if there are any risks, they are risks we are willing to take.

“We also said that it was too late for over 1,360 delegates coming from over 42 countries to change their plans now. We both agreed to continue our exchanges, she added.

The group said that every delegation has encountered setbacks en route to Gaza, and that this one obstacle they have “overcome before.

“No delegation, large or small, that has entered Gaza over the past 12 months has received a final OK before arriving at the Rafah border.But after public and political pressure, the Egyptian government changed its position and let them pass, the statement read.

Over 1,000 international delegates from 42 countries have signed up to join the Gaza Freedom March which was due to enter Gaza via Egypt during the last week of December.

In the morning of Dec. 31, participants were due to join Palestinians “in a non-violent march from Northern Gaza to the Erez/Israeli border, organizers said on their website.

“We are determined to break the siege. We all will continue to do whatever we can to make it happen, Wright said, adding that Egyptian embassies and missions worldwide will be hearing from delegates and supporters of the march “with the clear message: Let the international delegation enter Gaza and let the Gaza Freedom March proceed.

According to the statement, many delegates of the expected 1,360 are already in Cairo.

“Because of the incredible humanitarian crisis in Gaza caused by the Israeli attack on Gaza a year ago and by the international siege on Gaza, we feel morally obligated to continue our mission to bring more international attention to the plight of the 1.5 million people imprisoned in Gaza, the statement concluded. -Daily News Egypt with additional reporting by AFP.

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