Tall, dark and handsome

Farah El Alfy
6 Min Read

Getting to know Egypt’s beauty king

In April, Amr Samaha was crowned Mr. Egypt, at the pageant’s second year -organized by Face to Face agency, which ran the Miss Egypt pageants in the last nine years.

“These pageants seek the winner that possesses fitness, charisma, personality and good looks, said the company statement – all factors that seem prominent in 19-year-old Samaha, who was the youngest contestant.

But good looks is not Samaha’s only strong point. Tall, dark and handsome he may be, but he is also smart, focused, adventurous and extremely down-to-earth.

The teenager is a mechanical engineering student at the American University in Cairo and has reached the status of private pilot at flight school already.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes this young man tick.

The Daily Star Egypt: How did you get involved in modeling?

Amr Samaha: It was all luck, it wasn’t planned. I first modeled at AUC for fun for something called AUC Show Mania. I ended up winning Mr AUC. The guy that was training us was runner up of Mr. Egypt last year, so he convinced me to sign up for the competition.

What was the whole experience like?

Samaha: It was a great experience and I met people from all over Egypt. I also got a lot of general knowledge and learnt how to answer questions you don’t know the answers to – which was all part of the training.

Now that you have won the title of Mr. Egypt, what is expected of you?

Samaha: Charity, charity and more charity. During training we had many sessions teaching us what we can do for the country. Once a week we used to practice going to institutes like cancer hospitals. We are planning things for me to do in the next couple of months.

The other thing is I’m also getting ready for Mr. World, the British international beauty contest, which I will be participating in next year. This is the most exciting part for me.

Do you plan to get into the international fashion industry?

Samaha: No, I’m just modeling on the side. My real passion is aviation. I want to be a pilot, hopefully a commercial onel.

But you’re studying mechanical engineering?

Samaha: I chose this major for two reasons: first of all it is useful to me as a pilot to understand the mechanics of the plane, secondly as a back-up because if you suffer from any type of health problems you can’t fly a commercial plane.

So you’re not interested in television or cinema?

Samaha: Yeah, I am interested in presenting on TV for one of the youth channels like Melody or OTV, which is something I can do part time while I study. But definitely not something I would pursue once I graduate.

Acting on the other hand is a long term career which I’m not really interested in, unless of course an incredible role was offered to me. In that case I would do it, if it was offered now. Later on, I doubt I would do it.

Do people treat you differently since you won the title? Are you getting more attention from girls?

Samaha: Girls, of course! That goes without saying.

Wherever I go people know. It makes me a little shy, at first I didn’t know how to react. But people are generally very supportive, except for my father at first.

So your father was against you running for Mr. Egypt?

Samaha: My father was not supportive at first. He thought it was just a show where I walk around in a swimming suit. But when he realized that it depends on more than just looks, he agreed for me to participate.

Originally my dad wasn’t planning to come to the show. But he ended up coming, though I didn’t know he attended until the end [of the show]. When I won, he came up to the stage and hugged me. I didn’t even know he was there. I was shocked and so relieved.

So how does Mr. Egypt keep in shape?

Samaha: Believe it or not I used to be really fat two years ago. When I was in school I played water polo for five years, and I had to quit in high school to focus on studying. That was when I gained all the weight.

When I started university I decided that I wanted to lose weight. I did an intense diet and started working out hardcore at the Gezeira club.

I didn’t go to any doctors. I did it on my own. If you want to lose wait you lose it, it’s will power so no one can make you do it.

Now I work out regularly. I do weights for three weeks and cardio for one week.

Why do you want to be a pilot?

Samaha: My father, uncle and grandfather are pilots so I grew up in that atmosphere. Regardless though, I love to fly and I love being able to travel all over the world.

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