Economist conference today

Sherine El Madany
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Economist Conferences will be holding the Fifth Business Roundtable with the Government of Egypt on June 5. This high level event will bring together government and business leaders in a day of discussion around the theme of “Turning Egypt into a priority market for international business.

The Roundtable draws on Economist Conferences’ global experience in leading truly independent debate with high level decision-makers including Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif, ministers of finance, investment, trade, information technology, social development, among other influential business leaders.

Attendees will have the chance to engage with senior policymakers in face-to-face debate on their plans – from privatization to interest rates and enhance understanding of the specific challenges facing Egyptian business and investors.

The Economist Intelligence Unit – the world’s foremost provider of country, industry and management analysis – sponsors the event. Founded in 1946 the EIU is now a leading research and advisory firm with more than 40 offices worldwide, delivering vital business intelligence to influential decision-makers, international companies, financial institutions, universities and government agencies around the world. The Unit sponsors similar conferences and events around the world.

Sponsors of the Roundtable also include BNP Paribas, Vodafone, American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, and the British-Egyptian Businessmen Association as well as media partners Al-Mal and The Daily Star Egypt.

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