Wild voice of Esperanza Fernandez mesmerizes Cairo

Daily News Egypt
4 Min Read

One word alone can describe the debut Middle East performance of Spanish Gypsy singer Esperanza Fernandez – sensational.

In the open air Genaina Theater of Al Azhar Park, Fernandez performed to a full house as part of the current Spring Festival last Friday. The Gypsy singer was accompanied on stage by a masterful guitarist, Miguel Angel Cortés, and two other performers.

The concert hall waited silently as all performers began to warm up. Cortés, who has been playing with Fernandez for eight years now, commenced the evening with a classic flamenco-style solo before Fernandez’s powerful voice sent the audience into a trance that lasted for the duration of the concert. Before long, the audience joined the performance with their own energetic clapping and foot tapping.

Fernandez possesses a powerful, expressive voice with a wide range. In addition to the passion in her voice, she establishes a direct contact with the audience that transcends language and culture barriers, connecting with every listener in a level far deeper than most flamenco performers.

When asked how she manages to establish this unique connection with the audience, Fernandez replied, “It has no explanation. It’s reciprocal: I give, they get; they give, I get. she said.

Fernandez believes that music could act as a bridge between cultures.

“Perhaps I do flamenco because of my race. I’m a Gypsy, but music has no race, anyone can express these feelings as he chooses.

Fernandez is an authentic flamenco performer from Triana in Spain, raised in a family of musicians and dancers. She started her career at the age of 16 as a leading Cantaora (flamenco singer), and has since also ventured into classical and jazz fusions. She boasts three classical fusion albums and has worked with some of the most prominent names in flamenco music, such as Paco De Lucia, Camarón de la Isla and Enrique Morente.

Few among the audience would have understood the Spanish lyrics of the songs, but the sound itself was enough to transport them.

Fernandez’s music is immersive, rich and grand. Once the audience had succumbed to her sound, they found it difficult to remain composed in their seats, and were left attempting to sensibly grasp the magic and gripping force of that wild voice.

The attention and silence of the audience was noticeable in particular towards the end of the final song, when Esperanza left the microphone and started singing her heart out. The sheer power of her raw voice drove the audience wild. The request for an encore was not denied and she delivered one last spectacular recital.

The audience’s excitement also affected guitarist Cortés. “I enjoyed the performance a lot because the audience was very responsive and interacted well with the music, he told Daily News Egypt after the show.

Before the show, Spanish Cultural Attaché Ramón Blecua had predicted the singer s work would go down well. “This will be an unforgettable night, he said.

It was certainly a night to remember and a promise fulfilled.

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