Letter to the Editor: Manipulating religion

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

Dear Editor,

Thank you for such an impassioned and eloquent editorial titled “Punishing the Victim (Commentary, Nov. 30).

You are not alone in your outrage. I share your sentiments and am sickened to read about such cruelty. I am also immeasurably saddened to see that religion is so wantonly manipulated to serve the sadistic whims of people who would have us believe that they are the legitimate custodians of moral conduct.

If there is one ray of hope in this appalling story, it is the victim s refusal to back down. Perhaps it has a lot to do with the support of her husband who is, as you point out, extraordinary. It would be all too easy to paint Saudi society as one where women are oppressed by the male population. My hope is that the victim s husband is not the exception that proves the rule.

The rape victim obviously needs support and protection, but so too does Islam and any religionthat is abused and distorted beyond recognition. It is difficult, if not impossible to think of a fitting punishment for the perpetrators of such crimes against humanity and religion.

Mai El GuindiCairo Via email

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