Europe's Islam question

Daily News Egypt
6 Min Read

OXFORD: The growing Muslim presence in Europe has become a central issue for all European countries, east and west. The numerous debates that have been breaking out across the continent about “multiculturalism, “secularity, or even “identity are almost always connected to this “Islamic factor.

This link is not necessarily bigoted, because there is a fundamental relationship between “values and “laws on the one hand, and “culture and “diversity on the other. Indeed, more than a debate over “Islam and the “Muslims, Europe needs a serious dialogue with itself over this relationship, for it is facing a crisis.

The right question to ask is this: can Europe remain consistent with its own values (democracy, equality, justice, respect, etc.) and at the same time tolerate and accommodate new citizens from different backgrounds and religions? Or, to put it differently, are Europeans intellectually, linguistically, and culturally equipped to face the challenge of marrying equality with an ever more diverse European citizenry?

The starting point here is actually clear: governments should not confuse socioeconomic problems (unemployment, violence, marginalization, etc.) with questions about culture and religion. In other words, one should not “culturize, “religionize, or “islamize social problems.

The fact that a majority of Europeans who face unemployment or social marginalization are black, Asian, North African, or Muslim does not mean that their religion, ethnicity, or culture explains their situation. Any kind of cultural, religious, or racial determinism is dangerous: unemployment and marginalization reflect socioeconomic processes, and we need clear social and economic policies to resolve them. Resorting to vague cultural/religious/racial explanations is a recipe for inaction, if not for misguided action.

Cultural, racial, and religious dimensions may, of course, be subordinate factors that need to be considered, but they are not the main causes of unemployment and marginalization. European governments, instead of following the suggestions of far-right rhetoric, should reconcile themselves to pursuing strong and creative policies to address the underlying problems of education (segregated or second-class schools, curricula, etc.), unequal employment opportunities, and urban decay.

Indeed, contrary to what has become conventional wisdom (sadly, normalizing what far-right parties have been saying), young European Muslims do not have a problem with religious or cultural “integration.

Instead, they are frustrated by the absence (or the failure) of social policies to address their needs.

This failure does not mean that a new kind of racism – “Islamophobia – is on the march. But no one can deny that some individuals do face discrimination because of their “religion (according to a recent Pew survey, 45 percent of Europeans have a negative image of Islam).

The key sign that discrimination has been injected into the current discourse is the obsession with the idea of “integration, despite the fact that the vast majority of European Muslims abide by the law, know the language of the country in which they reside, and are loyal to their country (though sometimes critical, like their fellow citizens).

Ceaseless reference to citizens “with an immigrant background, or to the “host society, only serves to nurture the idea that Muslims are not “truly Europeans or “at home. Such talk implies that European Muslims must constantly prove their loyalty. This perception of “Muslims as being the “other or the “foreigner is the central factor that incites discrimination in the job or housing markets.

Beyond insecurity and fear, it is crucial to rely on facts and figures to show that, both at the local and the national levels, the situation is much better than the passionate and polarized debates fostered in the media and some political circles. Far from the ongoing controversies, European Muslims are doing very well today, and the future is promising.

If European countries want to remain faithful to their embrace of universal and equal human rights and avoid any temptation or slide towards racism and xenophobia, all Europeans must act. European Muslims should avoid nurturing a “victim mentality and acknowledge their responsibilities within their respective societies. European governments and citizens, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, must shun any kind of racism.

Education is central here. School curricula must become more inclusive (to build a common history of memories) and broaden students’ knowledge of religions and cultures. In the media, journalists should be trained to spot “success stories, not just problems. In all cases, rhetoric that draws an implicit link between the words “illegal, “criminal, and “immigrant or “Muslim should be seen as nurturing fear and xenophobic reactions.

Muslims are facing a new racism, and they have to strive for their rights, but they should do so alongside their fellow citizens and in many fields: domestic and foreign politics, education, media, and social activism. Europeans must stop being complacent in the belief that they are somehow protected from any resurgence of racism or betrayal of fundamental human rights. And European Muslims must stop acting (and reacting) to their problems in isolation.

Tariq Ramadan is Professor of Islamic Studies. He teaches at Oxford University and at Erasmus Universities. This commentary is published by DAILY NEWS EGYPT in collaboration with Project Syndicate (

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