Enhancing education by training teachers

Daily News Egypt Authors
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Two British education experts are currently visiting Egypt to organize a workshop aimed at training 150 teachers and headmasters as part of a British Council plan to improve quality in the pre-university stage, according to a press release by the British Council in Cairo.

The workshop will also host representatives from the Ministry of Education and others from the communication and information technology sectors.

The plan is aimed at qualifying schools for the standards set by the Ministry of Education. The first phase of the plan will be implemented in 27 schools in Cairo, Daqahleya, Qalubeya and Beheira.

The plan, which unfolds over four phases, begins with self-evaluation, upon which a development program will be created. The last phase entails a final assessment to check on the improvement in performance.

Meanwhile, two other plans relating to new learning methods and using information technology in learning are currently being implemented, according to an agreement signed in May 2007 by the British Council, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

The first encourages students to develop the spirit of teamwork by providing them as well as their teachers with new learning methods. The next phase is aimed at developing the professional aspect of teachers’ work by training them on how to use technology at all stages.

According to consultant Suzan Dawling, reports indicate that since the plan was introduced many teachers have become more attached to their work.

The plan aims to develop students’ talent by motivating them to be more creative and encouraging them to play a positive role in the learning process.

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