Egypt to improve university professors' salaries, says minister

Daily News Egypt Authors
2 Min Read

CAIRO: The government is working towards improving pay conditions of university professors and is taking measures to upgrade Egyptian universities, Minister of Higher Education Hany Helal told a National Democratic Party (NDP) meeting of university teaching staff on Sunday.

The state-run daily Al-Akhbar reported that Helal reminded university professors during the meeting that pay-increases are linked to their performance, which will be assessed “using defined standards of quality and competitiveness.

University professors roundly rejected a performance-related pay scheme introduced last year by the Supreme Council of Universities (SCU) which they allege is both divisive, and an unsatisfactory response to their demand for a comprehensive and across the board pay-scale overhaul.

Professors said during a protest held in April that the scheme introduces “illogical measures of quality, such as the requirement that university professors be present on campus for 27 hours a week.

“We are for any initiative which leads to quality assurance, but staff members’ income must be reorganized first, Nasr Radwan, secretary general of Cairo University’s Teaching Staff Club told Daily News Egypt.

“Current wage levels are not enough. Without improvement there can be no quality, Radwan continued.

Independent daily Al-Masry Al-Youm meanwhile reported that Helal told university teaching staff during Sunday’s meeting that professors who display a lack of trust in the quality scheme will be punished.

Helal reportedly called on professors to respect the “prevailing characteristic of their dealings with the education ministry and its officials, adding that “this will push the prime minister to agree to their demands. -Daily News Egypt

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