Shubra Al-Kheima prosecution questions water projects contractors

Yasmine Saleh
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Shubra Al-Kheima’s prosecution office summoned all contractors involved in building the district’s water and sewage projects for questioning, after residents complained that the drinking water is contaminated.

According to the official statement released by Shubra Al-Kheima’s prosecution office, residents accuse the contractor Anwar Nabawy, of pumping sewage water through the governorate’s drinking water pipes in order to make profit.

By Sunday, 169 cases of typhoid, a bacterial disease that is transmitted through consuming unclean food or drinks, were discovered in Qaliubiya, where Shubra Al-Kheima district is located.

Residents attribute the outbreak of typhoid in Qaliubiya to the contaminated water running through the pipes.

The prosecution launched investigations on Sunday under the supervision of Consultant Hisham Omarah, attorney general of the South Qaliubiya Prosecution Houses.

The governorate’s secretary general, Sherif Al-Gasmy, specifically holds Nabawy responsible for the disease’s eruption, according to the prosecution’s statement.

Al-Gasmy said that Nabawy was contracted by the Arab Contractors company, which is in charge of building water pipes in the governorate.

Five new cases of typhoid were discovered in Qaliubiya Sunday.

The governorate cut the water from the two villages where the cases appeared, after it suspected that it might be contaminated, causing the infections, Qaliubiya Governor Ali Hussein said.

“The two villages are currently receiving water from different sources other than the villages’ main water pipes, Hussein added.

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