Daily Star Egypt Staff
7 Min Read

Ramadan is a month of generosity and charity to those less fortunate. In keeping with this spirit, The Daily Star Egypt has compiled a list of local charities. There are many worthy organizations throughout the country, and this is far from a comprehensive list. Therefore we will be alternating charities throughout the month.

If you have a charity that you would like to be included in this listing, please send us the information by e-mail at [email protected] (subject: Charity). Include a brief description of the organization s activities.

Befrienders Cairo

Befrienders main aim is to provide people who are facing difficulties in their life with emotional support. Those seeking help can talk to a trained professional in confidence, and free of charge, over the phone or face-to-face meetings.

61 Al Zahara St. (off Jeddah and Mohei El-Din St.)Mohandiseen, CairoTel: (02) 7621602/7621603/

Caritas Egypt

Caritas aims at helping all people without differentiating between them on the basis of sex, religion or social level. The main goal of Caritas is community development, with a philosophy that is based on educating, rehabilitating human beings and respecting their rights.

The organization provides a variety of services across Egypt including: medical centers, food donations, encouraging small projects, educating mature students, helping refugees, aiding mentally disabled children, anti-drugs activities, HIV/AIDS awareness, and mental health. 1 Mahmoud Sedki St. Shubra, CairoTel: (02) 4327651

Dar Al-Orman

Dar Al-Orman orphanages, a well-established organization that has been active for over 8 years, is currently studying a project to set up a savings account for the orphans in cooperation with the Bank of Housing and Development, so that by the time an orphan reaches the age of 18, they will have some money set aside.

11 Dr. Al Mahrouky St. (off Batal Ahmed Abdel-Aziz St.) Mohanessin, CairoTel: 19455

Egyptian Red Crescent

The Egyptian Red Crescent, established in 1912, is a non-governmental organization performing its activities within the principles of the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent. ERC relies on social, technical and specialized voluntary efforts – by its members as well as volunteers – in order to realize its goals. The organization s scope of work includes the confrontation of disaster and calamity risks by coordinating with governmental bodies (both national and international); promoting the principles of International Humanitarian Law; providing health and medical services; encouraging blood donation; and providing social development services to those in need. Abd El-Razek Al-Sanhoury St.Nasr City, 8th district7516 CairoTel: (02) 6703979/81/

El-Malak El-Sagheer (The Little Angel)

A woman and her children are raising 12 orphaned girls, all under the age of five. The family tries to raise the children within a normal family environment, and a solid education. They do not receive government funding and rely entirely on volunteers and personal donations for support. The orphanage is planning to move to El-Tagamo El-Khamis and is hoping for contributions to furnish their new home. Aside from monetary donations, the family accepts donations of food, beverages and pampers.

11 Aziz El-Din Mohamed Atteya, El-Nozha El-Gedida, Cairo Tel: (02) 622-1618

Fat’het Kheir Educational Fund

FK is an Egyptian NGO volunteer-run and based on 100 percent Egyptian funding, helping needy people to learn how to develop themselves and be dependent by getting kids to finish their graduation through providing support of educational sponsorship. To date, the organization has paid for education of needy cases of 273 students in schools, and for 26 students in institutes and universities, with particular focus on the needy children in Masaken El-Zelzal (where many of the 1992 earthquake victims were relocated) in the Moqattam area.

FK pays only to students who pass in the previous academic year starting from Primary One until universities and Institutes / Ma3ahed and with your support FK is also able to provide extra lessons to lighten up the burden of private lessons.

Masaken El-Mahmodeya, Clock 7, Entrance 4, Apt. 1El-Hadaba El-WostaMoqattam, CairoTel: (02) Habitat for Humanity Egypt

Habitat for Humanity Egypt s mission is to partner with Egyptians to work for simple, decent, affordable, healthy housing for families in need. Through an innovative system of partnership with existing and reliable NGOs, Habitat Egypt is working at the grass-roots level toward the goal of ensuring decent housing for Egyptians. Families are selected by local representative volunteer committees, giving priority to those in greatest need and without discrimination by religion, gender, race or disability. Families must demonstrate an ability to repay an interest-free mortgage and a commitment to volunteer to help their neighbors first.

99 Omar Ebn El-Khattab Street3rd Floor, Suite 7Heliopolis, CairoTel: (02)


Meshwar (journey) is dedicated to improving the livelihood of underprivileged families, and helping them become contributors to society. Low-income households are provided with food, medical assistance, health education, micro-loans and skills development.

20 Imam Ibrahim St. (off Soliman Gohar St.)Dokki, CairoTel: (02) 3389608/ (010)

Nahdet El-Mahrousa

The organization aspires to develop the country through engaging the active participation and serious commitment of its youth. Nahdet El-Mahrousa incubates innovative development project ideas, empowers young Egyptians by providing them with the tools necessary to create civic-minded projects, organizations or enterprises, and provides them with an access to a variety of resources including: a network of like-minded young people, partnership, training, seed capital and media opportunities needed to launch their innovative projects. Donations will support the ongoing work of their staff and partners as tehy seek, test, and promote innovative project ideas and practices towards Egypt’s development.18 Mahmoud Bassiouny St.Downtown, CairoTel: (02)

Sustainable Development Association

SDA s mission is to foster the younger generation where young people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. The association accomplishes this by contributing to youth education. Their main activities include: ICT for development program; capacity building by creating employment opportunities and fostering entrepreneurship; and arts and culture activities aimed at bridging the gap between youth from different countries.

150 Gamal Abdel Nassar St.Idi Bishr Bahary, AlexandriaTel: (03)

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