Truck confiscation blamed for garbage collection protest

Deena Douara
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Approximately 300 garbage collectors protested Sunday against having more than 15 of their cars and licenses confiscated by their employers, the Garbage Trucks Authority, the daily Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper reported.

The paper quoted garbage collector Mohamed Mansour as saying that the Authority took the cars in response to a letter sent to the head of the Authority by 20 workers protesting plans to move them to another company. They were worried that they would be replaced with different workers.

Mansour also said that the Authority threatened to fine the workers LE 1,000 if they continued their protest.

The General Authority for Sanitation and Beautification, however, cites different reasons for the protest and denies any car or license confiscation as well as the fine threat.

Mokhtar Aboulfotouh, a spokesman for the Authority, told the Daily Star Egypt that the collectors were protesting the government decree to add garbage collection fees to electricity bills.

He said: “They want to collect the money themselves but we can’t go back to the old system.

Collectors profit more under the old system of money-collection. Payment via the electricity bill is optional.

“People are now paying for a service on their electricity bills so that service must be provided, he added.

Aboulfotouh did confirm that the seven new Egyptian companies which were formed by former garbage collectors would begin operating in Giza next week, replacing the current Spanish company in charge.

Eventually the new system will be implemented in Greater Cairo and Alexandria.

Giza garbage collectors protested with Kefaya in November and December against the same government decree.

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