Teachers allegedly face difficulties at exam marking center

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Teachers marking the Thanaweya Amma exams have reportedly complained about the high cost of staying at the Mubarak Educational Institute in 6th of October City where all exams are graded.

They claim that this cuts into a large chunk of their final salaries.

Another complaint was that they weren’t getting the level of service they were paying for.

But a Ministry of Education employee told The Daily Star Egypt that the dozens of teachers who will be at the Institute until July 4, have made no complaints so far.

He did not deny this apparent lack of service but didn t wish to comment further, saying hesitantly that there is nothing that can be done.

He also believes that the teachers should be thankful for not staying in the tents which housed them in previous years.

Teachers are under constant stress not only from the state of the facilities but also because of the pressure to meet the mid-July deadline.

The last exam is due to take place on July 4, giving them a short timeframe in which to complete all the marking.

Students interviewed on Nogoum FM expressed fear that the difficult conditions the teachers are face may take their toll on the marking, where instead of concentrating on not making mistakes, the teachers would focus on getting through the maximum number of papers in the shortest time.

In addition to this batch of marking, teachers must also mark the retake exams in August.

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