Canadian returns Egypt antiquity at dying father's request

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

CAIRO: A Canadian man has returned to Egypt an ancient alabaster vase that could date back four millennia to grant his father’s dying wish, the Supreme Council of Antiquities said on Tuesday.

Robert Christy delivered the antique vessel dating back to the Middle Kingdom (2030 BC to 1640 BC) to the Egyptian embassy in Ottawa, the council said in a statement.

His father, who had inherited the heirloom, had requested that he hand back the vase and that it go on show at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. “The vase measures 16 cm in height and is in good condition, council Secretary General Zahi Hawass said. “It has been placed in the Egyptian museum and is being prepared for display.

Hawass has made it his mission to retrieve Egypt’s widely scattered antiquities from around the world. -AFP

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