Copts in Italy file complaint to the European Union

Yasmine Saleh
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The government has proved its failure to address the Coptic issue in Egypt, and the concept of citizenship which it highlighted in recent constitutional changes is nothing but talk that is never practically implemented, Gamal Eid, director of the HRinfo, told Daily News Egypt.Eid’s was commenting on the recent complaint filed by “Voice of Copts organization in Italy to the European Union accusing Egypt of human rights’ violations against Copts which have led to the immigration of around three million Copts.

“I have not seen this report but I read about it, Eid said. He added that although he doubts the accuracy of the number mentioned in the report or the fact that all Copts who emigrated suffered discrimination, he does believe that there is “discrimination against Copts in Egypt.

“There is an obvious wave of religious fundamentalism in Egypt, Eid said. As for the decision by the “Voice of Copts to file a report to the European Union to ask for Western intervention, Eid does not believe that this constitutes meddling in Egypt’s internal affairs.

“If I feel that my humanity is not respected and human rights violations are being conducted against me, my only concern will be to end this violation by any means; I will make sure that my voice is heard everywhere.

He added that it is the government’s responsibility to protect Copts from such violations.

On the other hand, an Egyptian Copt who preferred to remain anonymous, told Daily News Egypt that around “120 of his Coptic friends had emigrated to Western countries, but none of them did that for reasons that have to do with discrimination. they are mostly for financial reasons.

“Many Copts left the country during the rule of late president Gamal Abdel Nasser when the country was very closed economically, the source added. “So most people who left Egypt at this time were looking for better living conditions and better job opportunities.

The source further stated that governmental institutions are “where discriminations against Copts have been excessively reported.

However, the source mentioned that when a Coptic friend of his had applied for a job at a leading telecommunications company “the head of a certain department told him that he does not hire Christians.

Yet he believes that this example did not represent a company policy but “it only illustrates one individual’s behavior.

The source also named a local fast food chain known for not hiring Christians.

Despite such examples, the source said that the situation of Copts “is improving and is much better than how it was some years ago.

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