Doctors are no-show at syndicate demonstration

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
2 Min Read

CAIRO: The demonstration organized for April 6 by the Doctors Without Rights group in front of the Doctors’ Syndicate did not take place since only two members showed up.

That did not dissuade a marked security presence which was out in force in front of the syndicate building, as well as across the road in front of an educational institute.

The Doctors Without Rights had scheduled a demonstration at the Doctors’ Syndicate at 2 pm, but 45 minutes later the only two doctors who had turned up decided to join the bigger protest at the Journalists’ Syndicate and sent word to their colleagues to join them there.

Rashwan Shaaban from Doctors Without Rights told Daily News Egypt that the security forces massed outside the syndicate building had told him that the demonstration could not take place. The doctors, who have demonstrated before, were calling for the Ministry of Health to heed their pay demands as well as improve working conditions.

“Since this is a day of anger in Egypt, we as doctors also have demands. Security forces will not allow demonstrations in the center of the city, Shaaban said, “We are seeking our legitimate rights such as salary raises, infection allowance, housing for doctors and other things.

His colleague Mona Mina told Daily News Egypt, “A lot of the sectors in Egypt are not being given their rights, and today is a day to ask for these rights.

“Until now, our demands have not been met. We are given promises but nothing is given, and what is given is later taken away. We have huge problems with the Ministry of Health. We are being deceived, she added.

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