'Clean Up Giza' with your own hands

Raghda El-Halawany
3 Min Read

CAIRO: Over 100 Mohandiseen residents participated in a campaign on Saturday to clean up garbage that has piled up in their district as a result of a brawl between the governorate of Giza and the Italian cleaning company.

The campaign, “Clean Up Giza, was initiated by Dana Moussa on the social networking website Facebook, and managed to attract residents who were keen on preserving their local environment.

Moussa, 25, said she was distressed over the heaps of garbage piled up in Aswan Street, Giza, where she lives.

“Passing by these accumulated piles of uncollected garbage everyday on my way to work stirred my sense of social responsibility, it urged me to start being positive and do something.

“I just planned a small scale campaign of people I know that live in this neighborhood but to my surprise the campaign had expanded, attracting more people from all over the city.

Participants met up in Gamaet El-Dowal Street dressed in white, armed with surgical masks and brooms and took on the four main squares in Mohandiseen; starting with Lebanon square and ending with Mesaha square in Dokki.

“We are drowning in a sea of garbage, this is more of an awareness campaign that will encourage other communities and regions as well. It spread the idea of community service that we are not accustomed to here in Egypt, Moussa’s mother, who encouraged her to launch the campaign, said.

Moussa explained that one of the main concerns was finding trucks that will dispose of the trash collected. “We sent telegraphs to the Giza governor as well as a Agouza district official. They all responded expressing their support, and the governorate pledged to [provide the trucks].

Hashim Ali, one of the participants, said, “We do not have to wait for the government to start, why not do it ourselves, although I live in Nasr City, I am always interested in campaigns of this type.

On his part, Giza Governor Sayed Abdel Aziz granted the volunteers Medal of Honor as well as the governorate honorary shield in recognition of their work.

“I am so proud of Egypt’s devoted children that showed up when they were fasting, devoting their free time to clean their streets. I support their initiative, I feel their patriotic sprits, and I appreciate it, he told Daily News Egypt.

He also confirmed that the problem has been resolved with the Italian company, and they are preparing to resume operations.

The Italian company had clashed with the Giza governorate last month, refusing to carry out its responsibilities.

Company workers refused to collect the garbage in Giza, leaving it to pile up on the streets.

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