Wasla signs JV with Atelka

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Wasla Contact Center entered into a joint venture with Atelka, a Canadian telecommunications and contact center management company, to provide Business Process Outsourcing services to clients and consumers in Egypt, Canada and Saudi Arabia.

“By sharing and leveraging on both companies’ infrastructures and expertise in the information technology, this agreement will give us a unique competitive advantage” said Mohamed Al-Shahawy, CEO for Wasla Contact Center, in a press statement.

“As a result of this agreement, 1,200 new job opportunities will be created for Egyptians within the upcoming two years.

“We have already identified a new location for this joint venture in Heliopolis, which will accommodate 500 employees,” added Al-Shahawy.

George Karam, managing director for Atelka, said: “This agreement will allow both Atelka and Wasla to penetrate new markets, launch new lines of business and services, while providing greater integration of principles and processes.”


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