Lawyers demand separation of former regime officials in prison

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CAIRO: Two lawyers filed an official report to the Prosecutor General Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud demanding the separation of jailed former regime officials inside the prison so as not conspire against the revolution.

"Strict measures should be taken against the former regime’s officials who are in prison pending investigation so that they do not lead a counter-revolution," lawyers Nizar Ghorab and Mamdouh Ismail wrote in the report.

They listed the officials in jail including former prime minister Ahmed Nazif, former Shoura Council speaker and secretary general of the NDP Safwat El-Sherif, former chief of presidential staff Zakariya Azmy, former head of the NDP’s steering committee and business tycoon Ahmed Ezz, former interior minister Habib El-Adly, former tourism minister Zuhair Garana and former housing minister Ahmed El-Maghraby.

"Ex-regime officials held regular meetings inside the prison to plan for ruining the January 25 Revolution that led to their imprisonment,” Ghorab told Daily News Egypt. "They have mobile phones and laptops to communicate with each other that would also enable them to contact their assistants outside to execute their plans."

"They are very dangerous together and they threaten security and measures should be taken to prevent them from doing that."

The lawyers demanded that all necessary measures be taken to prevent those officials from communicating with each other or with their aides outside the prison.

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