Mass Comm students accuse university officials of attempted murder

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CAIRO: Students from mass communication faculty at Cairo University filed a complaint to the Prosecutor General on Tuesday accusing university officials of attempted murder and inciting thugs to attack peaceful protesters.

The complaint was filed against the Cairo University President Hossam Kamel, Dean of the Mass Communication Faculty Sami Abdel Aziz and vice dean, Hassan Mikkawy.

Mass communications student, Mohamed Fotouh, said that Molotov cocktails were thrown at students on Tuesday dawn while they were holding the sit in at the faculty of mass communications.

“The Molotov cocktails came from outside the university’s walls, so we couldn’t see who was throwing them,” Fotouh told Daily News Egypt.

The university’s security prevented the students’ from leaving the premises to catch the attackers, according to Fotouh.

“The only people who have any interest in intimidating us and ending our sit in are these university officials,” Fotouh said.

“Fourteen of us have already been referred to the university’s disciplinary council and seven were referred to university investigations (on Tuesday), for no apparent reason other than protesting,” he added.

Abdel Aziz told Daily News Egypt, “These are all false accusations that aren’t even remotely reasonable.”

Mass communication students have been calling for the resignation of Abdel Aziz since March, for his affiliation and support to the former corrupt regime.

Fotouh said 25 students have been holding a sit in at the faculty since then, insisting that officials heed to their demands.

Mass communication students had previously accused the army of violently cracking down on a students’ protest in March.

The army denied the accusations in a press conference saying that it intervened to end the sit-in peacefully, as the protesters prevented Abdel-Aziz, and other professors from leaving the faculty or receiving any food or water.


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