Support democracy, visit Egypt, Tunisia, minister Tweets

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WARSAW: Poland’s Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has used his Twitter feed to urge fellow Poles to support the fledgling democracies of Egypt and Tunisia by spending their vacations there.

"Countrymen! Let’s support Arab democracy. Let’s visit Egypt and Tunisia. The resorts are safe. Their economies need the stimulus," Sikorski, who Thursday was on the last of a two-day tour to Cairo and Tunis, tweeted on!/sikorskiradek in Polish.

"Tunisia, where Arab awakening started, needs tourists, investment, help with refugees. Its success will inspire others. We need to rally," Sikorski added, in English.

Poland has vowed to make support for democratic transition in North Africa one of the key priorities of its six-month stint as president of the European Union beginning July 1.

During his May visit to Warsaw, US President Barack Obama hailed Poland for offering to share its own two decades of experience of democratic transformation with countries in transition like Egypt and Tunisia.

Sikorski became the first European minister to set foot in Libya, meeting rebel leaders in the anti-Qaddafi stronghold of Benghazi on May 11.

In April, Warsaw also sent Solidarity legend and Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa to Tunisia to meet the interim administration and share his unique know-how.

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