‘New Republican’ document to unify Egyptians’ vision

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CAIRO: A group of political activists calling themselves “The New Republican” are preparing a document that unifies the vision of all Egyptians, including the different political parties and movements.

The document also aims to reform the different institutions within a timeframe.

“The document discusses the number of institutions that needs reform,” said Sherif Rizk, one of the involved activists.

The activists are still divided on whether to title the document the “January 25 Document to Democratize Egypt” or the “January 25 Document to Rebuild Egypt.”

According to the group, the January 25 Revolution suffers from two major crises, the first of which is a lack of representation for the different forces and no agreement on a plan for the transitional phase.

They added that these two problems allow the ruling military council to enjoy taking unilateral decisions without transparency and a clear vision for the state during the interim period.

“There must be a strong base for the revolution which is not possible without a vision for the country,” Sherif added.

The document outlines the general framework for developing Egypt. Workshops bringing together the different political forces will be held in order to finalize the document.

These workshops will discuss various topics including security, the constitution, the economy, the media, the judiciary system, the civil society, transparency and human rights.

“It’s a practical document because it bolsters civil society thus can help in restoring the revolution’s momentum,” said Noha El-Sheikh, a PhD student and researcher in one of the academic institutions in Paris.

Accordingly, after the document is drafted, committees will be formed to follow up and monitor the implementation of the plans devised.

Noha El-Ghamry, a writer and also one of the activists involved in this project, explained that what distinguishes this document from other documents is that is set to be an ongoing project that will continue after the elections within a timeframe.


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