Retired judges and their legacies

Ahmed Aboulenein
4 Min Read
Farouk Sultan

Farouk Sultan

Court: Supreme Constitutional Court
Positions: Chairman of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Chairman of the Presidential Elections Committee
Famous for: Appointed by Hosni Mubarak, headed the PEC ex-officio as Chairman of the SCC, organised Egypt’s  first post-Mubarak presidential elections, disqualified Khairat El-Shater, Ayman Nour, Omar Suleiman and Hazem Salah Abo Ismail from the presidential race, announced President Mohamed Morsi’s victory, had Morsi administer the oath to him. The court he headed dissolved the lower house of parliament and kept Ahmed Shafiq in the presidential race.


Abdel Moez Ibrahim

Abdel Moaz Ibrahim

Court: Cairo Appeals Court
 Position: Chairman of the Cairo Appeals Court, Chairman of the Supreme Parliamentary Elections Committee
Famous for: Ex-officio the head of the Supreme Parliamentary Elections committee, organised Egypt’s fairest and largest parliamentary elections in Egyptian history, accused of interfering in the foreign NGO workers trial where he moved the case to another district which led to defendants being able to escape Egypt, many judges called for his suspension and punishment.


Hossam El-Gheriany

Hossam El-Gheriany

Court: Court of Cassation
Positions: Chairman of the Court of Cassation, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, Chairman of the Constituent Assembly
Famous for: Member of the movement for an independent judiciary, Mubarak tried to change judiciary retirement laws so that he would not head the Court of Cassation, refused the punishments of judges Ahmed Mekky and Hisham El-Bastawisi after they said Mubarak-era elections were fraudulent, one of the first judges to protest in the streets in judicial robes. As Chairman of the Court of Cassation he was ex-officio the Chairman of the SCJ, the body governing Egypt’s judiciary, refused to run for president with the backing of the Muslim Brotherhood, was elected to head the second Constituent Assembly tasked with writing Egypt’s next constitution, a job he is still doing.

Ali Fikri

Ali Fikri

Court: Administrative Judiciary Court
Position: Chairman of the Administrative Judiciary Court, Deputy Chairman of the State Council
Famous for: Issued a verdict dissolving the first Constituent Assembly, referred the parliamentary elections law to the SCC which led to the dissolution of the People’s Assembly, issued a verdict reversing the Justice Minister’s decision to grant extra-judicial arrest powers to military police and intelligence, postponed cases for reversing the PA dissolution, dissolving the upper house of parliament, the Shura Council, and dissolving the second Constituent Assembly.


Ahmed Refaat

Ahmed Refaat

 Court: Cairo Criminal Court
 Position: Chairman of the South Cairo Criminal Court
 Famous for: Was the judge in several high profile cases post the ouster of Mubarak, issued Mubarak and his Interior Minister Habib El-Adly with life sentence verdicts for failing to protect protesters, cleared top police officials, El-Adly’s six assistants, from charges killing protesters, cleared Mubarak’s sons Alaa and Gamal from corruption charges.

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Ahmed Aboul Enein is an Egyptian journalist who hates writing about himself in the third person. Follow him on Twitter @aaboulenein