Two men slain in Gharbeya

Luiz Sanchez
1 Min Read
Citizens in the village of Mahallet Ziyad in Gharbeya severely beat two men accused of stealing auto rickshaws before lynching them on poles and leaving them to die (File Photo) (Photo Public Domain)
Unidentified men in the Mahla Zeyad village in Gharbeya were killed for allegedly stealing tuk-tuks (Photo Public Domain)
Unidentified men in the Mahla Zeyad village in Gharbeya were killed for allegedly stealing tuk-tuks
(Photo Public Domain)

Unidentified men in the Mahla Zeyad village in Gharbeya were killed for allegedly stealing tuk-tuks, state-owned Al-Ahram news agency reported. According to the report, the men were caught by local residents who proceeded to lynch the men and hang them upside down.

The two men, still unidentified at the time of writing, were taken to the Samanoud hospital morgue, Al-Ahram said.

Security forces were unable to arrive on the scene on time, as eyewitnesses reported a near-complete paralysis on the roads due to a protest against the rising cost of fuel.

The diesel shortage and subsequent rising cost of fuel has sparked several demonstrations across the country and has even led to the reshuffling of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

As a result, the sale of diesel on the black market has become more commonplace and over 13,000 contracting companies have stopped working altogether, in part due to the diesel shortage crisis.

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Luiz is a Brazilian journalist in Cairo @luizdaVeiga