Civilians pay highest price in Yemen: Arab Marxist groups

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

Arab Marxist groups said in a Thursday statement that it is “clear” that the war on “one of the poorest countries in the Arab region and in the world,” Yemen is taking is severest tolls on civilians who have nothing to do with the parties of the conflict.

“This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia, particularly, interferes in Yemeni affairs,” the statement read. It added that since the 1960s, backed by the Nasserite state in Egypt was a defendant of the Imamate “in the face of the Yemeni revolution.”

On 26 March, Saudi Arabia announced it will launch airstrikes against the Houthis in Yemen in retaliation for their overthrow of Yemeni president Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi in February.

Saudi Arabia, backed by the Gulf Cooperation Coucil (GCC) as well as Pakistan, has launched several airstrikes on Sana’a, and has killed dozens of civilians and destroyed dozens of homes.

According to the United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNCIEF), the fighting in Yemen has killed at least 62 children over the past week.

Egypt announced last week that it will politically and militarily support Saudi Arabia in its attacks. A Egyptian Foreign Ministry statement on Wednesday said efforts were being made to bring Egyptians residing in Ymen back to Egypt.

More recently, the statement added, the GCC made efforts to “thwart the Yemeni peoples’ peaceful uprising” after 2011 and through its pressures has not allowed for serious change in the state system.

This, the organisations explained, has allowed the Houthis in Yemen, “backed by a project that benefits the authority of the ayotallah” to take control of Sana’a.

The groups added that Iran also has “nationalist imperialist goals covered by religious sectarian ideology.”

The groups included the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt, the Revolutionary Leftist Coalition in Syria, the Communist Union in Iraq, as well as Tunisian and Moroccan leftist groups.

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