In one of the most beautiful designs of Marie Louis Fashion House, Marie Louis offers a new collection of elegant women cloths. While some factories shut their doors, Marie Louis challenges the circumstances and works in the hardest conditions to offer a new product labelled “Made in Egypt”.
She says: “Fashion is a wonderful world, and it needs schools and development. The industry needs to be improved, and institutions have to be pushed into encouraging creative designs.”
To Louis, fashion in countries like Italy and France is not an individual’s own work or specialised institutions; it is rather an industry whose income is huge to major European countries. Fashion is more than just a beautiful dress or an elegant piece of cloth.
The international conferences held in many states rely on studies on all fields, from agriculture and silk and cotton extraction to economic studies on the market and the purchasing power. Let us not forget the change in currencies’ value. Fashion in France, for example, is so important that, in Paris Fashion Week, the country’s media dedicates it’s time for designers and fashion shows, and all the country’s institutions, even schools not working in the field, dedicate their time for the week.
Here, in Egypt, however, we still have a long way to go, but most importantly we have started.