IS claims responsibility for Tunisia explosion

Adham Youssef
1 Min Read
A crash involving a school bus, a lorry and a car on the 169 km of the Egypt–Alexandria road in Beheira governorate has left up to 18 dead and 18 injured. (Photo by Mohamed Omar\DNE)

Islamic State militant group (IS) claimed responsibility for the deadly explosion that targeted a bus carrying members of the Tunisian presidential guards.

At least 12 people were killed in Tuesday’s attack, promoting the government to declare a one-month nationwide state of emergency.

In a statement on social media, IS said a militant identified as Abu Abdallah El-Tunisi was responsible for the attack in the capital of Tunis. The group posted a photo of the alleged suicide bomber.

El-Tunisi carried out the attack after infiltrating the bus and detonating his explosive belt after they reached their target. “Tyrants of Tunisia will not have peace and will not rest until the law of God governs in Tunisia,” the statement read.

The Tunisian government said in a statement on Wednesday that a backpack or an explosive belt containing 10kgs of military explosive was used in the attack.

This is the third major attack carried by IS in Tunisia this year. In March, gunmen attacked the Bardo Musuem in Tunis, claiming the lives of 230 people. Sousse was the site of the second attack and 28 foreigners were killed in a mass shooting by armed gunmen at beach resort in June.

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